Friday, October 21, 2005

Funny day today. Full of interesting events. I now know what it feels like to tag around a woman/girl doling out money for her every expense. It is painful on the wallet. Heaven help the working man.

It's funny, when you look back on past friendships and review them. The things that hurt so much seem so distant now. You wonder how you ever got through them. And then, you look around you and see history being repeated, or sort of. Such irony, sych hypocrisy, such...confusion. Am I truly revisionist? Or is my view of the past getting too coloured? I can no longer see it as fresh as I once did, slowly replaying every searing moment in my mind. I guess the moments are getting dull.

Tomorrow is the Red Cross Debates. I'm not feeling confident. Let's hope I've still got some spark left. Two wins would be nice. Three better. Four, excellent.

Today I realised in some small measure how much people expect of Christians. A simple promise to a friend becomes sealed when you realise they are looking at you. I guess this is the weight of glory, as CS Lewis calls it.

Man, Christian Man, has the privilege to sing a song the angels can't. We sing the song of the redeemed. I know that my Redeemer liveth.

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